Wednesday May 10 - Return to Riverside

Route #6

After skipping to Route #7 last week, tonight we jump back to Route #6: Riverside.  99% percent of the time we need you to run on the left side of the road against traffic, but on this route there is one section i Shelby Park where that changes. After passing the lake, as you are going up that hill out of Shelby Park , stay on the RIGHT side of the road. Stay alert as the hill and curve in the road make it difficult to see and be seen by cars. (This is the same hill we run DOWN after Mt Nasty on Route #12). When you reach the top, turn right and go under the train bridge, then turn left onto Riverside. Stay on the left side of Riverside in the bike lane. Remember we share those roads with walkers, cyclists, and cars.

We meet at the corner of 11th & Holly at 6pm. We run every Wednesday – rain or shine. If you are a run/walker and want to get a head start, meet at 5:45pm and join our Lasty Nasty Group. You can READ HERE for more details on how our Wednesday night runs work.

Looking Forward

Potato-to-Tomato - Our annual free Couch-to-5K program will be starting next month - be on the look out for details on this blog very soon. If you're interested in being a coach, you can sign up online HERE.

PR Bandits - Our Saturday morning long runs will return beginning Saturday May 20th - details will be posted each week here on this blog. You can also join the PR Bandits Facebook group HERE.

You guys crushed the community street clean up project last week! Thank you all so much for helping and giving back to our beloved neighborhood! See ya tonight! ENFL!