WE'RE BACK!! Same time, new location

That’s right, we’re officially back! Per the city’s guidance on group gatherings, we returned to in-person runs on Wednesday May 19th. Join us every Wednesday at 6pm!

Because our beloved yellow house was lost to the March 2020 tornado, we have a new home at the corner of 12th & Holly - the grassy knoll of East End United Methodist Church. Thank you so much to these kind folks for letting us use their space (see photos above for reference).

Of course, with a new normal, come new ground rules.

  1. If you are having any COVID-19 symptoms, STAY HOME. This includes fever, cough, congestion, etc. Use your common sense to keep yourself, and everyone else, safe.

  2. It’s BYO-Cup for the foreseeable future. We will have water coolers, you just need a cup or water bottle.

  3. We will still leave in pace groups and always ask everyone to be respectful of the rules of the road and our Eastside neighbors.

Returning to our Wednesday night runs is only possible because of all the precautions and personal sacrifices that so many Nashvillians have made for over a year and because so many of us have gotten vaccinated. Please do your part to help us return to normal. If you haven’t been vaccinated yet, it’s completely free and you can find all the information you need to get your life-saving medicine here.

We appreciate everyone’s consideration for your fellow runner as we get through this mess together.

We’re SO EXCITED to see y’all!!


The East Nasty Board

Grant England