Adam Barese

What do you get when you combine an awesome 80’s sweatband, medical sales and running? The start of Adam Barese’s biography. Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce you to this week’s East Nasty of the Week.

Ok, ok, here’s a bit more recent shot with his family. Sorry, Adam, you knew I had to lead with that gem.

Green Hillis YMCA 5K - A great family run, pushing the double wide

Green Hillis YMCA 5K - A great family run, pushing the double wide

As you can tell, Adam started his running career in one of the best decades of all time – the 80’s. He ran his first five mile race at 8 years old after behind inspired by running with his dad.

Before Nashville, Adam spent most of his life in the Northeast living in New Haven, DC, Annapolis, and Philly (where he met his wife). He didn’t specifically tell me what brought him down to Nashville, but I’m going to guess it has something to do with our city being a bit of a healthcare industry hub. Adam’s spent the last 20 years working in the medical industry, primarily for pharmaceutical and Biotech companies.

Adam & East Nasty representing at CMM 2014

Adam & East Nasty representing at CMM 2014

East Nasty has David Harris’s lovely wife to thank for getting Adam to the group. When he stopped traveling for work a couple years ago, he realized he didn’t know much about the town he’d been living in for the previous 8 years, and Kristen Stenson suggested he run with us. For Adam (and, really, most of us) East Nasty has been more than a running group. It’s been the foundation for many friendships with other beer drinkers runners.

We always ask ENOWs what they consider their biggest running accomplishment. Despite running the Honolulu Marathon, among others, and dozens of middle distance races, Adam gave the most unique response yet – “My biggest accomplishment in running is hopefully still to come.” Foreshadowing perhaps??

Honolulu Marathon Finisher, 2003

Honolulu Marathon Finisher, 2003

Thanks for being a part of East Nasty, Adam!