Wednesday June 19th

Back to Run #1, Potato to Tomato, and The Return of Drew Jones

Run #1: One Hilly 5k

This week we're back to the beginning - Run #1. Join us on Wednesday at either 6 a.m. or 6 p.m. at the corner of 11th and Holly. (We have Wednesday 6 a.m. runs from Memorial to Labor Day.) You may notice that many of the regulars are missing on Wednesday evening. That is because about 40 East Nasties have volunteered to be coaches in our Potato to Tomato program.  (They'll be back in 8 weeks with a fresh group of new runners!)  What that means is we need new help on Wednesday evenings - many of you will have to (a) wash the cups, and (b) lead the routes.  Please sign up here to be a cup washer, and please be proactive about learning the route and volunteering to lead!  Drew is in charge for the next 12 weeks and he will call you out in front of everybody if you don't step up!


Friday Morning Tabata

We had a great turnout for our first Friday morning Tabata workout. If you need to add some strength training to your endurance running, please join us. It's free. Dynamic warmup starts at 6:15 a.m. and the workout will be finished by 7. We meet by the playground in East Park. If you have any questions, contact Christa Poremba at

ENFL! -Duane

Wednesday RunsMark