Pre-thanksgiving burn...

Do we meet the day before Thanksgiving? YES!  There's nothing better on Thanksgiving than to eat guilt free...which means that your running can't take a hiatus.  So not only should you join us this Wednesday night (rain or looks like rain right now) but you should sign up for a Thanksgiving morning run.

Now the Boulevard Bolt is cool, and Franklin hosts some sort of turkey trot, but if you are looking for a FREE Thanksgiving run (where strollers ARE allowed) you can join the up-and-coming BOOFUS Bolt. The BOOFUS is a non-race 3-mile jaunt down Belmont hosted by Matt Poag.  If you are interested, meet at 7:30 a.m. at the Bongo Java on Belmont and look for the guy with the mustache and the short shorts(don't be scared).  Seriously, this is just a fun, laid back way to start your Thanksgiving morning.  Everyone is invited!!

Temper Trap

I wonder if this is what Andy Moss's middle school cross country team was like..  (Great song/great video...enjoy.)

1/2 Marathon Training

This is the 6th year that East Nasty is offering free 1/2 marathon training for the country music half.  We meet every Sunday morning @ 9:00 starting the first Sunday in January.   There are programs for novice, intermediate and advanced runners.   But of course the best part is Zach's world famous breakfast casseroles!   If you are interested, join us at the Margaret Maddox YMCA on December 12 at 9:00am for a 4 mile run, some breakfast snacks, and a short informational meeting.  (Email mark: with your questions...)


On December 2nd, we will be placing our order for Hoodies.  This year they will be Carolina Blue.  That gives you two more Wednesdays to place your order!  They will cost $25.  If you know you want a hoody, but can't make it to a Wednesday night run, please email Rod Jones at

Resolution to King

Our second Couch-to-5k training session will start in January.  There is information under the "Couch-to-5k" header, but if you have any friends who are looking for a great way to start it is.  We meet three times a week for 10 weeks, and it's free!  Check out the information page and email Chuck if you are interested.

See you on Wednesday.


P.S. We're on run #8 this Wednesday!
